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The Benefits of Massage Therapy
on Specific Conditions

The benefits of massage therapy on many specific conditions is still being researched. With every passing year we learn something new about the positive effects of massage on human health. Here are some conditions that massage can help treat.

ADHD--Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD is one of the most common psychiatric diagnostic labels given to children. About 2 million children in the US have been diagnosed with this disorder. Find out more about the benefits of massage therapy on ADHD.

Adrenal Fatigue--Adrenal fatigue is a condition that is very common in modern society. Find out more about adrenal fatigue.

Alzheimer's Disease--This is the most common form of dementia and the 7th most common cause of death in the United States. Fine out more about Alzheimers disease

Anxiety Disorders--There are five different types of anxiety disorders. 13% of the adult population suffer from this one of these disorders. Find out more about anxiety disorders.

Arthritis--There are 200 different types of arthritis. The most common types are rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. While massage can't heal arthritis, people with arthritis can still experience the benefits of massage therapy. Find out more about the benefits of massage therapy on arthritis.

Asthma--Asthma has become increasingly common in recent years. It affects people of all ages from all walks of life. Find out more about asthma.

Autism--There have been more documented cases of autism over the years. As these cases increase people are trying different methods to lessen the symptoms and give people with autism a higher quality of life. Find out more about autism.

Back pain--Low back pain is the most common form of back pain. 3 out of 4 people experience low back pain at some point in their lives. Find out more about back pain relief.

Bell's palsy--Facial paralysis can be caused by a number of issues. Once these problems are ruled out the diagnosis you're left with is Bell's palsy. Find out more about the benefits of massage therapy on Bells palsy.

Bursitis--Bursitis is a painful condition that usually occurs in large joints such as the shoulder, elbow, hip and most commonly the knee. Find out more about bursitis.

Cancer--Massage was contraindicated for all types of cancer for many years, but recent studies have shown that massage can help decrease pain and anxiety in cancer patients. Find out more about massage and cancer.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome--Although carpal tunnel syndrome is associated with too much computer work, there has been no scientific evidence to support that. Find out more about carpal tunnel syndrome.

Cerebral Palsy--Cerebral palsy is the most common developmental disability in the US. 2 in every 1000 children born have it. Find out more about the benefits of massage therapy on cerebral palsy.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome--Chronic fatigue syndrome is characterized by fatigue that doesn't go away and flu like symptoms. Find out more about chronic fatigue syndrome.

Chronic Pain--Many people suffer from chronic pain. Chances are you or someone you know suffers from this conditions. Find out more about the benefits of massage therapy on chronic pain.

Constipation--Constipation is a common problem. Massage can help relieve constipation naturally. Find out more about constipation massage.

Depression--Most people will have experience with depression in their lifetimes. Depression comes in many forms and has many causes. Find out more about depression.

Drug addiction--Drug addiction is a huge problem that costs the nation billions of dollars every year. Massage therapy can help people get through the recovery process more smoothly. Find out more about massage for addiction recovery.

Eating Disorders--Anorexia and bulimia are becoming more common as normal people feel increased pressure from the media to look a certain way. Find out how massage can help in speed eating disorder treatment.

Elbow Tendonitis--Also known as Tennis Elbow, this condition is quite painful. It occurs when the tendon in the elbow region becomes damaged from repetitive movement. Find out more about elbow tendonitis here.

Ehlers-Danlose Syndrome--This genetic connective tissue disorder has no cure, but gentle massage techniques can be used to ease the joint and limb pain associated with it. Find out more about Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome here.

Fallen Arches--More commonly called flat feet, fallen arches can cause considerable foot, leg, knee, and back pain. Find out more about fallen arches.

Fibroids--These benign tumors are the most common reason hysterectomies are given to women today. Find out more about uterine fibroid tumors here.

Fibromyalgia--This is a chronic pain condition of the muscles and ligaments. 9 out of 10 sufferers of this condition are women. Find out more about the benefits of massage therapy on fibromyalgia.

Frozen Shoulder--Frozen shoulder is characterized by pain and stiffness in the shoulder. Women are twice as likely to get it as men. Find out more about frozen shoulder.

Headaches--Many people search for headache relief. 90% of men and 95% of women have suffered from a headache within the past year. Find out more about headache relief.

High Blood Pressure--One in three adults suffers from high blood pressure, also known as hypertension. In 90 to 95 percent of cases the causes of high blood pressure are unknown. Find out more about high blood pressure.

HIV and AIDS--First discovered in the 1980's, HIV and AIDS have spread across the world. Massage can help strengthen the immune systems of people with HIV. Find out more about massage for HIV.

Iliopsoas Tendonitis--This form of tendonitis can be a cause groin pain. It is quite painful and is sometimes referred to as hip tendonitis. Find out more about iliopsoas tendonitis here.

Infertility--Growing numbers of people are experiencing unexplained infertility. Mayan abdominal massage is a non-invasive way to treat this problem. Find out more about massage for infertility.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)--This common gastroinstestinal disorder can cause pain, discomfort and even embarrassment. Find out how massage can be used to help manage IBS symptoms.

Lou Gehrig's Disease--This is a degenerative disease of the nervous system. Scientist Stephen Hawking is the most well known person currently living with this disease. Find out more about Lou Gehrig Disease.

Lupus--This autoimmune disease occurs when the immune system attacks healthy skin, organ, joint and blood vessel cells. Find out how massage can enhance lupus treatment.

Menopause--Menopause can be a difficult stage in a woman's life. Massage is just one of the many natural treatments that can be used to help ease the many symptoms of menopause. Find out more about natural menopause therapy.

Muscle Spasms and Cramp--Most people have experienced these at some point in their lives. Find out how massage therapy can help muscle spasms and cramps.

Muscular Dystophy (MD)--This genetic condition is characterized by muscle weakness and wasting. There are many types of MD. Fin out more about the benefits of massage therapy on muscular distrophy.

Neck Pain--Neck pain and stiffness are common. It can be caused by trauma or bad habits. No matter how it occurs when you have it all you want is relief. Find out more about the benefits of massage therapy on stiff neck.

Neck and Shoulder Pain--Neck and shoulder pain are common among people with office jobs. Let's look at some self-massage techniques that can be used to manage neck and shoulder pain.

Parkinson's Disease--This neurological condition affects movement. This condition affects each person differently. Find out more about Parkinson disease.

Plantar Fasciitis--Sometimes called heel spurs, plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of heel pain. Find out more about plantar fasciitis.

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)--Though it's used casually in conversation, PMS is a real disorder that affects many women. The pain and anxiety it causes can be treated with massage. Find out more about the benefits of massage therapy on premenstrual syndrome.

Restless Leg Syndrome--This condition is characterized by a strong urge to move your legs. It may seem strange, but it can cause a lot of discomfort for sufferers. Find out more about restless leg syndrome.

Sciatic nerve pain--Sciatic nerve pain is known as sciatica. Sciatica presents as what I would describe as a nervy pain that occurs in the lower back, buttocks and/or down the back of the leg. Find out more about sciatic nerve pain.

Sleep disorders--Sleep has a very important role in health. If you suffer from a sleep disorder it can effect every aspect of your life. Find out more about sleep disorders.

Spina bifida--This birth defect has no cure, but massage can be used to supplement its treatment. Find out more about massage therapy as a complement to other spina bifida treatment.

Sports injury--With more people participating in athletic activities, more people are getting sports related injuries. Find out more about massage for sports therapy.

Stress--We all feel stress at some point in our lives. Some are generally more stressed than others. Stress is part of the human existence, especially, in modern times. Find out more about massage and stress.

Tendonitis--Tendonitis occurs when the tendon get irritated and inflamed from repetitious movements and overuse. Find out more about tendonitis.

TMJ syndrome--TMJ syndrome is a painful condition that affects the jaw. It is more common in women than men. TMJ sufferers experience many benefits of massage therapy. Find out more about TMJ syndrome.

There are some times when you shouldn't get a massage. Click here to find out about massage contraindications.



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