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Massage and Stress
The Benefits of Stress Relief Massage

What's the connection between massage and stress? Stress relief massage therapy calms the nerves. Don't we all need that sometimes? When you're looking for stress relief, massage therapy can definitely help.

We all feel stress at some point in our lives. Some are generally more stressed than others. Stress is part of the human existence, especially, in modern times. Whether you're stressed because of work, family or time restraints, your body reacts in the same basic way.

The body under stress releases hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. Constant exposure to these hormones speeds the aging process. Sometimes stress can be good. It can help us do more and be more alert, but feeling stress over a long period of time does harm to your body. That's why stress relief is so important.

Prolonged stress causes your heart rate and blood pressure to stay elevated. There are many side effects to stress.

  • increased risk of heart disease
  • high blood pressure
  • obesity
  • memory loss
  • short temper
  • headaches
  • muscle tension and soreness
  • worry
  • insomnia
  • restlessness
  • skin breakouts
  • lowered immune system
  • poor judgement
  • depression
Those are just a few of the negative effects stress can have on you.

You may be thinking that stress in your life is unavoidable. And you're right? Everyone will experience some stress in their lives. Some stress is fine, but when that stress gets to be constant it's no longer fine.

Massage therapy helps decrease the production of the stress hormone cortisol. It also lowers heart rate and blood pressure. Massage gets rid of muscle tension, eases depression and boosts the immune system.

Besides all the ways massage can help ease the physical symptoms of stress, it can also give you some quiet time to relax. Laying in a dimly lit room with soft music playing getting a massage is a very relaxing environment. Massage and stress don't mix. It helps the stress melt away.

Now you know the connection between massage and stress, but don't just depend on stress relief massage to control the amount of stress you feel. You need to take action to decrease your stress too. You can do this with mediation. Schedule some time for yourself to do a hobby or something else you enjoy. Try doing some breathing exercise when you feel stressed. All of these things will help.

When I feel stressed I take some time out to read my favorite blogs or watch something funny on You Tube.

Want More Info?

Relieve stress with this healing mp3 that taps into your subconscious and helps you relax. Click here to find out more.

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EasyFlow Meditation - Guided Relaxation for Nourishing Sleep and Instant Stress Relief

Yoga for Stress Relief: A Simple and Unique Three-Month Program for De-Stressing and Stress Prevention

Breaking Free From Stress


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