Massage School Directory SubmissionOnline massage school directory submissions can help draw countless new students to your massage school.
Did you know that more than 80 percent of people looking for local services start their search online? That's right. If you're not on the web you decrease your chances of being found by potential students. There are well over 10 million websites online. Many of these websites are not found in the top search results for their keywords. continues to grow every day and is in the top spot for some popular massage keywords. Look at our Alex Ranking. Of all the websites that exist online today this site is in the top 10 percent. This ranking improves every single day.
Right now we have an average of 17,500 visitors on our site per month. Many of those people are interested in becoming a massage therapist. Get your school featured in this growing massage school directory. Pay for a listing on this site and you'll get a full page dedicated to advertising the services your massage school provides. This isn't just a link directory. Your school will have a full page that will include pictures, the ability to embed YouTube videos, and a Google map that will show potential students how to find you school. Best of all your page will be search engine optimized to help it get found independently when potential students do internet searches. Contact us to find out more about listing your school in our massage school directory.
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