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What is Massage Therapy?

What is massage therapy?

The official definition of massage therapy is the act of treating the body by rubbing, patting, or the like, as to stimulate circulation or relieve tension.

what is massage therapy

My definition is the manipulation of soft tissue to relieve muscle soreness and pain, and to increase circulation and flexibility. Massage is one of the oldest forms of healing. It has been used in ancient cultures all over the world as part of their traditional medicine.

Therapists use tools such as hands, thumbs, fingers, knuckles, elbows, and sometimes even feet to apply pressure to muscles in just the right places. They also move the limbs of clients to facilitate joint movement and muscle stretching.

Many people think of being pampered when they think of massage. While this healing art is offered in most spas, it is still a healing art. You can also get treatment in clinics, chiropractors offices, hospitals, and other clinical settings. When done properly, massage can speed the healing of injured muscles by increasing the oxygen supply to the damaged muscle and speeding the rate at which waste is carried out of the muscle. Find out more about the benefits of massage here.

Once you realize the benefits of massage you can understand why it should be part of your wellness routine. Making it a regular part of your life will help you feel and even look better.

If you aren't sure about what type of massage to try, don't worry. There are many different types that come from every area of the world you could imagine. Swedish massage is the most commonly practiced in the West and is usually a good therapy to start with. Many modalities originate with this relaxing form of massage.

There are also Oriental forms of therapy that come from countries like China, Thailand and the Philippines. Once you become used to getting bodywork you can try out these other modalities.

Massage isn't always gentle and relaxing. Some forms like rolfing or nueromuscular therapy may even be painful. The therapist is working to get rid of the dysfunction in your body and sometimes that might cause you some pain at first, but it will get rid of your pain in the long run. Other forms of bodywork are extremely gentle like CranioSacral Therapy or reiki.

What is massage therapy? It's a healing art that will help you live your healthiest life.

Additional Articles

The History of Massage Therapy--Now that we've answered the question, What is massage therapy? you may want to find out where and how massage started. What were the first ancient civilizations to use massage? How was the most commonly practiced style of massage used today invented?

Relaxation Massage Therapies--These soothing styles of massage help you relieve stress and feel pampered and luxurious.

Therapeutic Massage Therapies--If you have an ache or pain this still of massage will help get rid of it.

Oriental Massage Therapies--These ancient massage practices use a different philosophy then standard Western massage.

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