smooth stones

Massage Therapy to Relieve Joint Pain

Bursitis is a painful condition that usually occurs in large joints causing shoulder pain, elbow pain, hip pain and most commonly knee pain. This joint pain can be quite intense. In some cases massage therapy can help bring pain relief.

Bursae are sacs of fluid in the joints. There are 160 bursae in your body. They lubricate the joints and help them to move smoothly. When your joints are healthy they move smoothly with no pain, but when one of these sacs becomes irritated joint pain occurs. Movement of the tendons and muscles over the inflamed sac also cause pain.

If one of these sacs gets injured and bacteria gets into the fluid in it, this can also cause pain. This could happen from scraping your knee or elbow in a fall. Your doctor will remove some fluid from the affected joint with a needle and test it to make sure there is no infection.

The symptoms of this condition include a dull pain in the joint that increases when you move it. You may feel joint stiffness. The region is swollen and warm to the touch. Sometimes the skin over the area appears red.


bursitis massage If your joint pain is not caused by infection, it can be treated with RICE--rest, ice, compression, and elevation. When you ice an area, you should ice it for no longer then 15 minutes every hour. Anti-inflammatory and pain medication can also be used to ease swelling and pain.

Sometimes, the doctor will remove some of the fluid from the bursa with a syringe to relieve some of the pressure in the joint. It can also be treated with cortisone injections. Don't use cortisone injections for extended periods of time because this can cause damage to your joints. When over used it weakens cartilage and tendons. Occasional use should be fine, just don't get too carried away.

When the condition is caused by infection it must be treated with antibiotics. The sac can also be drained of infected fluid with a syringe, but in particularly bad cases, the sac may have to be drained surgically or even removed completely. The joint should function fine after the removal of the sac.

Massage and Bursitis

Massage can help supply some pain relief. Massaging the surrounding muscles loosens tension in the joint. It can also help alleviate swelling around the joint.

If pain in your joint is caused by an infection, massage is not recommended. In this case, massage could cause the infection to spread. You should see a doctor to find out what's causing your problem before seeing a massage therapist.

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Healthy Bones & Joints: A Natural Approach to Treating Arthritis, Osteoporosis, Tendinitis, Myalgia & Bursitis


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