Asthma Treatment and MassageYour asthma treatment can be improved with the addition of massage therapy.
While this condition most often begins in early childhood, it affects people of all ages. This condition has been on the rise in recent years. There is no cure for it, but it can be managed by avoiding triggers, tracking your symptoms and using medication. This condition is caused by the restriction of your bronchial tubes. These are the small tubes in your lungs that air passes though. Babies with a low birth weight and people who are overweight are more likely to develop this condition. If you live in a polluted city or are exposed to secondhand smoke on a regular basis your risk also increases. This condition tends to run in families. If you think you have this condition, you should get checked out by a doctor. If left untreated, you could eventually have a severe, life threatening attack.
There have not been many studies of the effects of massage on people with this condition. The Touch Institute did do a study in which children with this condition were given massage. The control group was given muscle relaxation techniques to practice. The children who received massage had lower stress levels and higher lung function than the children who did relaxation exercises. Be sure to let your therapist know that you have this condition when you book your massage. The therapist will work on releasing tension in the muscles that facilitate breathing in your neck and rib cage. Loosening these muscles often increases lung function.
Natural TreatmentsBesides massage, other natural treatments can be used to lessen attacks. As with most health conditions diet plays an important role in asthma treatment. Inflammation in the bronchial tubes causes restriction in breathing. Eating a non-inflammatory diet will help manage this inflammation. This means eating a lot of vegetables and fruits. It also means that you must get enough omega 3 fatty acids found in walnuts, flax, and oily fish. A study done by the University of Cambridge showed that adults with this condition didn't consume enough vitamin C and manganese daily. Supplementing with these vitamins could be helpful. Butterbur is an anti-inflammatory herb that can be used to decrease the frequency of attacks. Bromelain which comes from pineapples is another anti-inflammatory medicine that will decrease attacks. Boswellia, known as Salai guggal in Ayurvedic medicine, helps prevent airway restrictions. There are also breathing exercises you can do like the Buteyko Breathing Technique to help treat your asthma. If you think you have this condition, be sure to see a doctor and get expert medical advice.
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