smooth stones

Uterine Fibroid Tumors
Abdominal Massage as a Fibroid Treatment

Many women suffer from uterine fibroid tumors and many of these women are looking for a natural fibroid treatment. Abdominal massage can help shrink fibroids without surgery.

uterine fibroid tumors

25 percent of women will suffer from fibroids in their lifetimes. African-American women are twice as likely to get this condition as other groups of women. Fibroids are the number one cause of hyperectomies in the US. They are the most common form of tumor. These tumors are almost always benign, but can cause discomfort and pain.

There are several types of fibroids.

Intramural fibroids are the most common type. They form within the uterine wall and usually have no symptoms unless they are quite large.

Subserosal fibroids develop on the outer layer of the uterus. They grow outward and can form a stalk allowing them the grow hanging off the uterus. These uterine fibroid tumors don't usually cause heavy periods, but depending on their size can cause pain, especially when they start pressing on other organs.

Submucosal fibroids develop on the inner layer of the uterus. As they grow they grow into the uterine cavity. They can also grow on a stalk. These fibroids can cause infertility. They also cause heavy periods.

Cervical fibroids are quite rare. They form in the cervix at the entrance of the vagina.

While many women who have uterine fibroid tumors experience no symptoms at all, still others with large ones will have a variety of symptoms. These symptoms include:

  • heavy and/or painful periods
  • back pain
  • difficulty defecating
  • frequent urination
  • infertility
  • abdominal bloating and discomfort
  • pain during sex

If you have these symptoms, you may want to get examined to see if you have uterine fibroid tumors. Once you know if you have them, you'll discuss what your course of action will be with your doctor.

Wait and see--If the fibroids aren't very large and aren't causing you any problems, your doctor will probably suggest that you just wait and see what happens. Sometimes they go away on their own.

Hysterectomy--If you are over 40 and you have large uterine fibroid tumors that are causing painful periods and heavy bleeding, your doctor may suggest that you have your uterus removed. This will stop your problem, but it may cause others problems. A hysterectomy is a serious surgery that takes a while to recover from. Once the uterus is removed you may experience early menopause. You could experience a lack of sex drive and even pain during sex. The uterus helps hold other organs in place. Once it's removed some organs may drop requiring you to have another surgery.

Myomectomy--This can be done as a liproscopic procedure or by opening up the whole abdomen. The surgeon will remove only the fibroids and try to leave the uterus fully intact. There is the possibility of scar tissue forming after the surgery causing abdominal pain.

Uterine artery embolization--For this procedure they cut off the blood supply to the fibroid. It is done under local anesthesia and the recovery time is a few days. There is still the danger of complications, such as loss of ovarian function, foul vaginal odor, infection or even death.

Abdominal Massage

Mayan abdominal massage and Ayurvedic massage can both help with the healing of uterine fibroid tumors. The massage helps remove toxins from the area. It also will help decrease your symptoms by repositioning the uterus and returning it to its normal shape. Massage can help tone the ligaments that hold the uterus in place.

Massage alone will not get rid of your painful fibroids. You must also make lifestyle changes to shrink them. Eating a healthy diet of organic food and exercising regularly will help. Here's a ebook that gives some good advice about curing fibroids naturally.

Some Books You May Be Interested In

Healing Fibroids: A Doctor's Guide to a Natural Cure

What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Fibroids: New Techniques and Therapies--Including Breakthrough Alternatives to Hysterectomy

Natural Treatment of Fibroid Tumors and Endometriosis

Cure Fibroids Naturally: I Did it You Can Too!


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