Complementing Spina Bifida Treatment with Massage TherapySpina bifida treatment is used to prevent further nerve damage and infection and drain excess fluid from the brain. There is no cure for spinal bifida, but the benefits of massage therapy from a highly trained professional can help ease discomfort associated with this disorder.
Spina bifida is a disorder that occurs in utero. When the spinal column doesn't for completely this birth defect occurs. There are 4 varieties of this disorder. Occulta Occulta is the Latin word for hidden and that's what this type is. In most cases people with this form don't know that there is anything wrong with their spine at all. They show no symptoms and it is usually only ever discovered when they get x-rays for some other reason. This occurs when part of the vertebrae doesn't close completely. The open area isn't large enough for the spinal cord to slip through though. Sometimes the person will have a tuft of hair, a dimple, indention, or birthmark over the area where the defect occurs. Cystica Cystica is when a cyst comes through the arch in the vertebrae. This can be diagnoses in utero and may cause neurological defects. Meningocele Meningocele is the least common form. It occurs when the vetebrae develop normally but the meninges (the fibrious tissue that surrounds the spine) are pushed through the gaps in the vetebrae. The spinal cord develops normally and the excess protruding membranes can be removed surgically. There is usually little to no damage of the nervous system with this condition. Myelomeningocele Myelomeninocele is what most people think of when they think of spina bifida. This form of the disorder is the most severe. Multiple vertebrae don't fully form in this version leaving them open exposing the spinal cord in the mid or lower back. The protruding meninges and the spinal cord form a sac on the baby's back. Baby's with this conditon are prone to life-threatening infections. Paralysis, loss of bladder and bowel control, and seizures affect people with myelomeninocele. People with this condition also often have a problem with fluid build-up around the brain and need a shunt to relieve that pressure as part of their spina bifida treatment.
CausesAs with many disorders doctors are unsure as to the exact cause of spina bifida, but they do have some clues as to how to prevent it. There seems to be a genetic factor in the development of the disease. Couples who have had a child with spina bifida are more likely to have another child with the condition. Folate deficiency can cause a malformation of the spine. So it's important that women who are trying to get pregnant supplement with folic acid. If a pregnant woman is on anti-seizure medication her fetus is at risk. If a woman's temperature raises during early pregnancy from a fever or hot tub, tanning bed or sauna use. If a pregnant woman has uncontrolled diabetes and/or obesity her infant is also at risk.
MassageMassage therapy can be used to in spinal bifida treatment. It can help relieve pain and tension in muscle tissue. If the person is wheelchair bound, massage can help loosen muscles that can become rigid from staying in one position for long periods of time. Massage therapy can help maintain circulation and tissue health in the extremities. I had a client with spina bifida that I treated for a few years. Massage was used to supplement his other spina bifida treatment. He also recieved some physical therapy. He could walk with braces but that was quite difficult for him so most of the time he used a wheelchair. I used standard Swedish massage methods on him combined with positional release and trigger point therapy. After recieving massage for a while he found that he could use his braces with less pain. He also reported that he generally felt better and experienced less hip and low back pain from sitting in his wheelchair. All cases are different. Massage will work differently as a spina bifida treatment depending on the severity of the case. Whatever you do be sure that you see a trained proessional who has experience working with people with spina bifida.
Some Books You May EnjoyChildren with Spina Bifida: A Parents' Guide Living with Spina Bifida: A Guide for Families and Professionals Spinabilities: A Young Person's Guide to Spina Bifida
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