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Chronic Pain Relief
Massage as a Chronic Pain Treatment

Chronic pain relief is sought by millions of Americans each year. It is one of the most common illnesses in the United States. Some figures say that 69 million Americans suffer from some form of chronic pain. Others put the figure as high as 133 million. More Americans call out sick from work because of chronic pain each year than do because of the common cold. Massage can be used as a chronic pain treatment.

Pain becomes chronic when it lasts longer than 3 to 6 months or longer than the healing time associated with the original injury. Sometimes chronic pain occurs when there was no original injury or trauma to the body.

Pain can come from a neuropathic injury. This means that there was an injury in the nerves that is causing the nerves to relay pain signals to the brain for no reason. Usually pain is a warning sign that something is wrong. In this case the nerves are incorrectly telling your brain that something is wrong.

There are many conditions that cause chronic pain: massage for chronic pain

  • fibromyalgia
  • sciatica
  • cancer
  • headaches
  • trauma
  • arthritis
  • neuropathic disorders
  • TMJ
  • facial pain
  • muscle injury
  • carpal tunnel syndrome
  • sickle cell disease

These are just a few of the conditions. There are many others. If so many conditions different conditions can cause chronic pain, how can massage help?

Massage for Chronic Pain

The effectiveness of massage as a chronic pain treatment all depends on the source of your pain. If the pain is muscular or results from nerve entrapment massage can help ease these symptoms. In some cases it can help stop chronic pain all together.

In other cases, like if your pain is from something like a neuropathic injury massage may ease it during the period of the massage, but it will soon return.

Massage can help people seeking chronic pain relief. Massage relaxes and calms the body and mind. It slows the heart rate, lowers blood pressure and increases endorphins. When your body is more relaxed, it is less susceptible to pain. Some sufferers of chronic pain say that the time during a massage session is the only time that they're 100% pain free. If you suffer from chronic pain, you should consider trying massage to see if it works for you.

Want more info?

This site has lots of information about chronic pain, the ailments that cause it and ways to manage it. So check out to learn more about chronic pain.

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