Massage as a PMS Cure
Many women are looking for a PMS cure. Massage for PMS can help alleviate the bloating, anxiety and headaches associated with premenstrual syndrome. 3 out of 4 women who range in age from their early 20s to late 40s suffer from some form of premenstrual syndrome. Only a small number of women have enough extreme symptoms to require prescription medication to manage it. Most women can use over-the-counter medications and natural remedies to keep their PMS under control. Premenstrual syndrome is a combination of many different symptoms. While what exactly causes it is unknown most think it is linked to hormonal changes. During her cycle a woman's hormone balance changes. These changes can cause the collection of symptoms that make up premenstrual syndrome, but doctors don't know why some women get it and some do not. Other factors do play a role in your likelihood of developing PMS, like genetics, diet, and stress. PMS is a collection of multiple symptoms that occur occur two weeks to a week before menstruation. Here is a list of some of the symptoms that premenstrual syndrome include:
Massage and PMSMassage can be used to help treat PMS. A study was done by the Touch Institute of Miami to find out what effect massage can have of women who suffer from PMS. In the study, 24 women ages 19 to 45 with a severe form of PMS were studied. Half of the women received 30-minute massages twice a week for 5 weeks. The other group did relaxation exercises for 30 minutes twice a week. At the end of the study, the women who received massage reported decreases in depression, bloating, perceived pain, and anxiety. Gently massaging the abdomen increases the blood flow to the reproductive organs and surrounding muscles easing cramping. It also increases the flow of lymph in the area. Combining the use of massage with heat therapy makes the massage even more effective. Getting massage a week before your period starts will help ease symptoms. Getting massaged regularly can help give you a PMS cure. You can get any kind of massage to see these results. Just as the therapist to massage your abdomen during your treatment. Acupressure and shiatsu can work well to help with symptoms, but if you have severe symptoms you might want to consider getting a Mayan abdominal massage. This form of massage is very good for women with problems related to their reproductive systems. Here is a video demonstrating self-massage techniques you can use as a PMS cure.
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