smooth stones

TMJ Cure
Is TMJ No More the Answer?

TMJ cure Looking for a TMJ cure? Are you one of the many people out there searching for relief from the pain caused by TMJ syndrome?

I know that many people are looking for relief from TMJ and some of those people might even be readers of this website so I decided to review the ebook TMJ No More.

This ebook claims to offer a natural holistic cure to TMJ syndrome. I know that it's is possible to cure TMJ without surgery, but I didn't know if this ebook would be the solution.

TMJ No More offers a lot of excellent information to help you cope with TMJ. The author, Sandra Carter, suffered from TMJ herself. Her symptoms started out with a headache after having a car accident and slowly spiraled downward into intense pain from TMJ that took over her life.

After seeing many doctors and doing a lot of searching herself, she was able to find her own holistic TMJ solution to stop her chronic pain. TMJ No More is a description of the TMJ cure she discovered. It took her more than 12 years of studying and seeing every kind of health professional to find out all this information.

The book includes:

  • Simple exercises get rid of pain
  • Food and vitamins that affect TMJ
  • Ergonomics to decrease jaw pain

The TMJ exercises in the ebook are very good. The only problem I had with the contents of the book is that in her diet advice she recommends soy products. I have to warn all of you that soy is a toxic food when eaten unfermented. I would advise disregarding Carter's advice about soy. Other than that the book is good. I highly recommend it.

The author of this book contacted me and wanted to know if I wanted a free copy to review. I thought it was worth looking at. If it could help someone who is suffering I wanted to share it with my readers. When I got the book I didn't know what to expect. Honestly, my first thought was that the price was a little steep, but when I realized how much was packed into this nearly 200 page ebook and I considered all the bonus ebooks that came along with it I thought that it was a good deal.

If you follow the advice contained in the book your pain will go away. So the answer to the question posed in the title of this page is "yes." TMJ No More is a TMJ cure.

To find out more about this ebook Click Here! This is an affiliate link. That means that if you buy the ebook through this link I get a commission.



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