smooth stones

The Power of Water Massage is Watsu

Watsu is a relaxing form of water massage. The word watsu comes from a combination of water and shiatsu. Now that you know where the name comes from you can guess what watsu massage is.

Harold Dull, a bodyworker, invented watsu in the 1980's when he started working on his Zen shiatsu students in a warm pool to better facilitate the stretches involved in Zen shiatsu. In Zen shiatsu stretching is used to unblock the chi flowing through the body. Dull had studied this method of bodywork in Japan with its founder.

Watsu is done in a warm pool or hot tub. The therapist supports you in the water and moves you in sync with your breath. The warm water helps loosen muscles and allows you to relax more deeply.

This therapy is helpful in treating:

  • fibromyalgia
  • chronic pain
  • stroke
  • spinal cord injury
  • arthritis
  • Parkinson's disease
  • cerebral palsy
  • traumatic brain injury
  • post mastectomy
  • post thoracic surgery
  • post traumatic stress disorder

When you receive watsu you can feel some effects immediately, such as:

  • deepened relaxation
  • reduction of muscle spasms
  • reduced pain
  • increased ranges of motion

After a few sessions you'll notice:

  • improved sleep patterns
  • improved digestion
  • improved healing
  • stronger immune system
  • decreased anxiety

Just when I thought massage couldn't get any better, watsu puts a new even more relaxing spin on massage therapy.






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