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Washington, D.C., - Massage-DC at the Washington Institute of Natural Medicine

by Victoria Goldsten
(Washington, D.C.)

Welcome to Massage-DC, Specializing in Massage and Bodywork Techniques in the Washington DC Area for over a decade. Please feel free to browse around our site to see who we are and how we can help you. Watch our video for an exclusive "New Client Special."

Massage-DC is a division of the Washington Institute of Natural Medicine.

About The Institute

The Washington Institute of Natural Medicine is a natural health care center offering natural health care to the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. The center's staff includes doctors of homeopahty, doctors of naturopathology, holistic health care practitioners, acupressure practitioners, relaxation therapists, hypnotherapists, reiki/touch therapists, aromatherapist, nutritional consultants, massage therapists, colon hydrotherapists, an acupuncturist, and body wrap practitioners.

Doctor Victoria K. Goldsten, HD, PhD, BSN, LMT
Board Certified, AADP, ANMA
Member of the Natural Health Coalition
Natural Health Nurse
Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapist
Reiki Master
Acupressure Practioner, Licensed Massage Therapist
Magnetic Therapist

Central Office:
5101 Wisconsin Avenue NW Suite #100
Washington, DC 20016
(202) 237-7681, (202) 686-8202

Comments for
Washington, D.C., - Massage-DC at the Washington Institute of Natural Medicine

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Jul 29, 2024
Great Massage and Evaluation
by: Anonymous

Well folks, I would like to start by thanking the Washington Institute of Natural Medicine for providing such a great service in Natural Health, and to you Robert White. I recently twisted/extended my ankle in a sport activity while on vacation...Bummer! However, to my return to the District I decided to call the Institute to have my foot checked out and treated. I chose Robert White to evaluate it along with advice on how to treat the injury. Prior to seeing Robert I was limping and my ankle was rotated outward. After one treatment my ankle was alligned and I was walking straght. Robert is highly effective with his hands and knowledge of the body and muscle tissue. In closing I would recommend him to anyone who has muscle aches, pains, and/or just needing a massage from stress. Robert White is the Best Massage Therapist you need to see.

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