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Vibrational Healing Massage Therapy (VHMT)

Vibrational healing massage therapy or VHMT is one of the types of massage therapy that has its roots in polarity therapy. This relatively new therapy is gentle and calming and can be done almost anywhere.

VHMT looks at the body as fluid not a solid mass. In this theory the body has energy flowing constantly through it like waves of water. The therapist works to align these vibrations for optimum health.

This therapy was created by Patricia A. Cramer in 1981. Cramer studied polarity therapy with Pierre Pannetier. Before studying with Pannetier, Cramer had studied dance, martial arts and other forms of bodywork. She had a tremendous amount of experience in using the healing arts to treat her own health challenges including a distorted spinal column and solidified ribs. She was even a survivor of spinal cancer.

The therapy is closely bound with the Chinese concept of yin and yang. The body contains two parts that must be balanced to achieve true health. When one part becomes dominant disease occurs.

Vibrational healing massage therapy involves gentle manipulation of the body. The therapist uses 16 techniques that include rebounding, torquing and stretching to help the body vibrate freely. This therapy is done while you are fully clothed and there is no oil or lotion used. Sessions usually last between 60 to 90 minutes.

There are 3 key parts that are included in VHMT.

The Fluid Body Model teaches you to think of your body as fluid and capable of renewal. Becoming conscious of this new way of thinking of your body will give you a new awareness as you move through the world.

Dis-ease as a Strategy teaches you to feel what's going on in your body. Many times we numb ourselves to problems in our body until they become pronounced. If you are consciously feeling you can become aware of these problems before they worsen.

The Language of Healing is a way of speaking about your body to align yourself with health.

VHMT helps increase the circulation of blood and lymph as it soothes and calms the nervous system. It can be used to help you deal with past traumas and facilitates emotional releases.

This therapy is gentle enough to be done on infants and senior citizens.







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