smooth stones

Turnersville, NJ - Peace of Mind Massage Therapy

by Michele Kovach, CMT
(Turnersville, NJ 08012 USA)

Turnersville,NJ 08012


New Jersey Certified Massage Therapist, Michele Kovach, is a graduate of Lourdes Institute of Holistic Studies and Camden county College. Michele is the owner of Peace of Mind Massage Therapy, which is located at the Center for Stress Management*, 151 Fries Mill Road, Suite 305,(University Executive Campus)Turnersville, New Jersey. Business hours for therapeutic massage are Monday: 12 pm to 5 pm, Wednesday: 12 pm to 5 pm, and Friday: 9 am to 12 pm. On Tuesdays, starting at 8 am, Michele is at Curves of Magnolia, a women's circuit gym, where she has been a member for 8 years. Walk-ins are welcome, but to avoid a wait when a massage is in progress, please schedule an appointment. Contact her for an appointment at either of these locations by calling 609-707-7869. For additional information please log onto:


Michele believes that stress management is a major factor for anyone striving to balance or achieve a healthy lifestyle, or to help deal with aches and pain. Your busy lifestyle can take a toll on both physical and mental well-being. Your body reacts to stress long before your conscious mind does. Muscle tension is your body's way of letting you know that you are stressed. Body awareness though massage is the first step toward acknowledging and reducing your stress. Massage is a vital part of self-care that has a positive healing effect. The most important goals that would be set with your massage are to ease stress and tension, decrease aches and pains, and to basically induce a relaxed and refreshed state of well-being. Massage therapy encourages relaxation promptly, and cumulative effects for sought after relief begins after a few sessions. There are many healthy benefits to receive massage regularly. Research studies show massage therapy actually boosts the body's immune system, which can become compromised from extended periods of stress. Consider massage appointments a necessary piece of your health and wellness plan and a treatment goal will be set that best meets your needs.

Michele is an ABMP Member and practices several modalities of therapeutic massage including: Swedish massage, Hot Stone massage, Neuro-muscular therapy, Chair massage, Raindrop therapy, Relaxation massage. Upon request, Michele will add aromatherapy to greater benefit your massage.

FOR YOUR FIRST APPOINTMENT you will need to fill out a client intake form, which includes your contact information, list of medical conditions, list of medications, and also asks your interest for your visit. Please arrive 15 minutes early to complete this short form. After you have signed the form, it will looked over and privately discuss with you your general heath** and what areas(if any) are presently giving you a problem, discuss the massage process, and set a goal for your well-being. Always feel free to ask questions about your massage. You will then be left to privately disrobe and get onto the massage table, under the covers.During the actual massage the only part of your body which will be exposed is the part that is being worked on at that time. Your face, neck, shoulders, arms, back, and legs will be massaged with massage lotion. During a hot stone massage,oil will be used.

An essential oil will be used upon request for an additional $5. Combining aromatherapy with massage enhances the healing response. Essential oils are plant-based and have additional therapeutic benefits by working on three levels to improve one's physicality, emotional health, and general state of well-being, through absorption and inhalation.

Following your massage you will probably feel relaxed, have greater body awareness, and you will feel relief from aches and pains. A common feeling after massage is one of mental clarity and alertness.

By encouraging blood flow through the veins, massage benefits the entire body. The calming effects of massage on the nervous system often produce a sense of serenity and well-being.

It is recommended to drink plenty of water before (to keep muscles hydrated)and after your massage (to flush out lactic acid and other toxins).

Massage therapy benefits people of all ages and conditions- babies, children, mothers-to-be, baby boomers, and seniors. Although a single massage will be enjoyable, the effects of massage are cumulative and a course of massage treatments will bring the most benefits. A goal can be set to start your way to better health and well-being.

CURVES memberS receive $5 discount!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! My gift to you is $5 off any service when your massage is scheduled during your birthday month!

REFER A FRIEND: When your friend has received their massage,you get 15 minutes added to your massage!


Michele Kovach, Certified Massage Therapist, is the owner and operator of Peace of Mind Massage Therapy, which is located at the Center for Stress Management, 151 Fries Mill Road, Suite 305,(University Executive Campus)Turnersville, NJ 08012.

Monday: 12pm to 5 pm
Wednesday: 12 pm to 5 pm
Friday: 9 am to 12 pm

Tuesday, starting massages 8 am, Michele is at Curves of Magnolia.

CONTACT Michele for an appointment at either of these locations by calling: 609-707-7869.


*The Center for Stress Management is a Comprehensive Mental Health Wellness Practice offering professional psychological services directed by Frank C. McManus, Ph.D. For additional information visit:

**(If applicable, you will be advised that certain medical conditions such as those related to cardiovascular system, cancer, osteoporosis or mothers to be in the first trimester of pregnancy are unsuitable for massage therapy. It is also advisable to perform masage if you have an area of unexplained plain, an open/healing wound or areas of skin infection, or a respiratory infection. Those taking blood thinners such as Warfarin should also avoid massage.

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