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The Wurn Technique ®
A Natural Infertility Treatment

The Wurn Technique ® is a massage treatment that helps increase fertility. It also decreases discomfort in women who experience pain during intercourse.

This technique was discovered by Larry and Belinda Wurn. Larry Wurn is a licensed massage therapist. Belinda Wurn is a physical therapist. They have a clinic in Gainsville, Florida called Clear Passages.

Larry Wurn originally developed the technique after his wife, Belinda, had several surgeries and pelvic radiation. At the time, she was experiencing pain due to the procedures. The couple later worked together to hone the technique before using it on their patients.

This type of massage therapy addresses tissue adhesions in the pelvic region. Trauma such as injury or surgery can be the cause of these adhesions. These tissue adhesions will remain long after the original problem has healed. Once the adhesions occur they can present as:

  • pain in the back, hip or neck
  • headaches at the base or top of skull or at the temples
  • pelvic pain
  • painful menstruation
  • pain during intercourse
  • constipation
  • loose bowels
  • poor digestion
  • infertility

During a therapy session adhesions are broken by stretching the tissue for a sustained period of time. The stretching can feel quite deep or more superficial depending on the area the adhesions are in.

This technique is still relatively new and they are doing new studies on it all the time. You can find out more about it at the website for the Wurns' clinic.


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