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Tapotement is the percussive massage technique you often see on movies and television shows. It invigorates the muscles and increases superficial blood flow.

This stroke comes in different varieties.

  • Hacking
  • Pounding
  • Cupping
  • Tapping

These strokes differ because the therapist uses a different part of the hand to do each one. Using different parts of the hand changes the intensity of the stroke. For example pounding which is done with a loose fist is much more intense than tapping which is done with fingertips.

It is important not to do tapotement on areas where the bone is close to the skin. Never do it over the spine or kidneys. Don't do it to someone who is pregnant. It is not appropriate to use this stroke for extending periods of time. Doing so would over-stimulate the area and annoy the person you're massaging. You don't want them to feel like you're trying to beat them up. Also it is usually quite difficult for a therapist to maintain the stroke for very long.

Hacking is done with the edge of the hand. Hold your hands like you're getting ready to do a karate chop. Strike the area you're massaging lightly with the outer edge of your hands--first one hand than the other. The motion must be fast. Keep your wrists loose and relaxed. I can only do this for a couple of seconds before I get totally uncoordinated. Some people are really good at it though.

For the other versions of tapotement you do the same movement but use different parts of your hand. Make loose fists and use the same edge of your hand that you used in hacking for pounding. Make a cup shape with your hand. With your palms down (an up-side down cup) strike the area you are working. This is cupping. Cupping is especially good to do over the lungs of someone who is congested. Have them lay face down and cup their back over their lungs. It will help them expectorate the mucus.

Tapping is the one stroke that is different from the others. For tapping use your fingertips to lightly drum or tap on the person. The motion is just like typing on a keyboard.

I don't use this stroke very often but others do. Try it out and see what you think about it.

Do you think you want to learn massage? Try these Online Massage Video classes to learn more.

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