smooth stones

SHEN Therapy

SHEN therapy is a gentle somatic therapy used to facilitate emotional release. SHEN is an acronym that stands for Specific Human Emotional Nexus. It is a gentle therapy that is based in the ideas of opening and unblocking qi (chi).

Everyone has an electromagnetic flow in their bodies. The practitioner is trained to channel his energy to help others.

This therapy was developed in the 1970s by Richard R. Pavek. Pavek was a scientist who thought that emotions had definite physical effects on the body. He started experimenting with the manipulation of biofields to facilitate emotional releases.

Unlike other forms of bodywork, the SHEN practitioner isn't trying to relieve muscle pain. Instead, they are trying to release emotional tension and negative energy. When experiencing trauma or distress the tissues of the body naturally contract to protect themselves. Negative emotions held inside the body for long periods of time put your tissues in a constant contracted state. As a result you may experience physical pain. Instead of focusing on manually releasing contracted tissue to ease pain, the therapist concentrates on releasing emotions which will in turn release contracted tissue.

SHEN Therapy is used to treat the following:

  • Childhood Abuse
  • Unresolved Emotional Conflicts
  • Panic Attacks and Phobias
  • Depression
  • Chronic Pain
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Sexual Abuse
  • Migraines
  • Stress
  • Grief
  • Fear
  • Practitioners are trained to deal with clients who are dealing with deep emotional pains. The training takes about three years.

    During a session you lay fully clothed on a specially designed massage table referred to as a cradle. The therapist will gently lay his hands on you to facilitate an emotional release. This isn't a talking therapy. Everything is done through the power of touch.

    Some Books You May Like

    Handbook of Shen

    The Encyclopedia of Energy Medicine

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    Homepage ... Types of Massage Therapy ... SHEN Therapy






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