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Rubenfeld Synergy Method

Rubenfeld synergy method is a type of somatic therapy that combines aspects of Alexander technique, Feldenkrais method, hypnotherapy, and Gestalt therapy. The therapy encourages you to develop a bodymind connection.

This type of massage therapy was created by Ilana Rubenfeld in the 1960s. She was training to become a conductor at the Juilliard School of Music when she started getting muscles spasms in her arms and back that interfered with her training. She turned to bodywork to relieve those spasms. She trained in a few different types of bodywork. Then she started combining these different types of bodywork to make her own therapy.

Rubenfeld believed that emotions were contained in muscle tissue. Eventually, she started working with Fritz and Laura Perls to combine aspects of counselling with bodywork. Fritz talked to the clients while the Ilana did bodywork on them. This worked confirmed her ideas about the bodymind connection.

After developing her technique, Rubenfeld has started teaching her methods to other people. She wrote a book explaining the technique called The Listening Hand.

Rubenfeld synergy method is a gentle type of bodywork. The therapist talks to you as he works on you to encourage you to release emotions that are trapped inside of you. You lay on a massage table fully clothed. Sessions usually last from 45 to 50 minutes long.

Ruberfeld synergy method is not usually used to treat specific illnesses. It is used more to deal with issues of trauma or abuse. While physical releases are part of the therapy, it focuses more on the emotional aspects of the therapy. The therapy helps calm the emotions and enhance inner peace.

Here's a video to that explains this type of massage therapy a little more.







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