Pregnancy MassagePregnancy massage, also called prenatal massage, is a good way to relieve some of the aches and pains experienced during pregnancy. Pregnancy is hard on a woman's body. The added weight and relaxing of the ligaments that occur during pregnancy is stressful on the joints, especially the pelvis. Carrying the baby causes the pelvis to tilt increasing pressure on the lower back. Increased stress is also put on the neck, shoulders and upper back. The fluid retention experienced by pregnant women can cause swollen feet and hands. Some women even experience carpal tunnel syndrome temporarily because of that swelling. Tremendous hormonal changes occur during pregnancy. These changes are necessary to carry a healthy developing fetus. They can also cause women to go true terrible mood swings and food cravings. These feelings are normal. Massage can help help regulate hormones a bit to make your mood swings less severe.
Getting massaged during pregnancy can:
Later in a pregnancy many woman have difficulty sleeping. Getting a massage will help relax your body helping you to sleep through the night. If your muscles are less tight you'll be able to get more comfortable at night. Massage also decreases stress hormones and calms the nervous system to help you sleep more easily.
What to ExpectWhen you see a massage therapist make sure you see someone who is certified in prenatal massage. That means that the therapist will have taken special classes about massaging pregnant women. This is necessary because there are areas of the body that should be avoided during a prenatal massage. Pillows and cushions are used during the massage to make you comfortable on the massage table. The safest position for you to be worked on is lying on your side. There are bolsters that some therapists use that will allow you to lay on your belly comfortably without putting pressure on the baby. If you are comfortable laying on these bolsters they are great and completely safe to use. Massage tables with a hole cut in them for your belly to dangle down should be avoided unless they have a sling positioned beneath the table to support your belly. If there is no sling to support your belly those tables put too much strain on your back. You should ask the therapist on the phone how you'll be positioned during the massage. If you have any of the following conditions you shouldn't receive prenatal massage:
Deep tissue massage is not appropriate to use on pregnant women. Most massage therapists don't give massages to women in their first trimester because many miscarriages happen in that trimester. This is simply a precaution to avoid liability should anything happen to your pregnancy. If you are having a high risk pregnancy you should not get a massage.
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