smooth stones

Polarity Massage Therapy
Energy Work for Holistic Healing

Polarity massage therapy is one of the many aspects of polarity therapy. It is a form of bodywork that is non-manipulative. This means that the therapist is not trying to manually correct dysfunction in the muscle tissue. Instead, the therapist is using a hands-on approach to balance your energy. The therapist uses light or firm touch along with rocking to manipulate energy fields.

Unlike other forms of energy work, polarity therapy is based on the idea that you can have negative, positive and neutral energy in your body. The goal of the polarity therapist is to help you make the energy in your body neutral. This is done through bodywork, diet, exercise and self-awareness techniques.

Polarity massage therapy was started by Dr. Randolph Stone. Stone was an doctor of Osteopathy, Chiropractic and Naturopathic Medicine who published a series of six books on health between 1954 and 1957. These books combined principles of Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Osteopathy, CranioSacral Therapy, Hermetic Philosophy and Quantum Physics into a holistic therapy that he referred to as polarity therapy. In the 1970's when people where becoming interested in alternative forms of medicine polarity therapy started to become popular.

During a polarity therapy session your therapist will try to balance your energy using bodywork. The therapist will place one hand on an area of your body that is a center for negative energy. The other hand will be placed on your body in an area that is a center for positive energy. The therapist will not try to give you energy at all. Instead, the focus is on redirecting your energy to become neutral.

Your therapist will also give you a diet to follow. This diet will help cleanse the body. Later you will be given a longterm diet to follow that will help you maintain your neutral energy and keep you balanced.

You will also be given some yoga-like exercises to do. These exercises are referred to as polarity yoga. Like everything in polarity therapy, they help balance your energy keeping it neutral.

The final portion of this therapy is self-awareness. The therapist will teach you techniques to facilitate relaxation and release tension.

Polarity therapy can be used for these conditions:

  • allergies
  • arthritis
  • asthma
  • chronic fatigue syndrome
  • circulatory problems
  • insomnia
  • stress
  • sciatica
  • injury
  • inflammation
  • traumatic life events

It can also help with pregnancy related problems.

A typical polarity session lasts 60 to 90 minutes. You remain fully clothed during the session. It is a very relaxing therapy and is sometimes done in conjunction with CanioSacral therapy.

Polarity massage therapy is a combination of principles used in Western and Eastern medicine that can help you achieve balance and awareness in your life.

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