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Plano, Tx - Recuperate Massage

by Theresa Weatherall
(Plano, Tx)

Welcome to Recuperate Massage, you have visited the right site for your massage services. You are just a decision away from transcending your environment and getting away from your everyday stresses. Whether it's work, stress, emotional events, trauma, pain, or you just need to relax; Recuperate Massage is here to help you recuperate spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally.

Massage services offered by Recuperate Massage are customized to meet each client’s individual goal; allowing them to feel completely relaxed, rejuvenated, and rehabilitated.

Recuperate Massage is independently operated by me Theresa Weatherall; I provide massage services inside of Salon Boutique's, Plano location. The services I offer are Swedish Massage, Myofascial Release, Deep Tissue, Prenatal, Neuromuscular Therapy, Reflexology, and more are coming soon. I believe through massage I can make a difference in the lives of others by listening to them and customizing their massage to meet their needs. I strive to provide affordable beneficial massage services to clients as well as outstanding customer service. So make your massage appointments with me, I care about your well being and most of all about what you need to have balance.

A massage a week does your body good! So don’t waste another minute not treating yourself. "You deserve it!” "Oh, don't forget about your family and friends, they would like to have one too!"

All Services Are By Appointments Only

(214) 437-6920

Inside Salon Boutique

6101A Windhaven Pkwy, Suite 150, Rm 12

Plano TX 75093

Professional Massage Services Only

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