smooth stones

Pasadena, CA - Moment of Serenity

by Loni Mashke
(Pasadena, CA)

Loni Mashke, LMT - Moment of Serenity

Attuned to how energy works, I believe that healing starts with YOU and your choice to empower yourself with action. Let me help you to facilitate your own healing. Someone once said "commit the action and the mind will follow."

I am a practicing Massage Therapist of over 10 years (ABMP Member, LA City Permitted, CPR certified and liability insured). I have over 500 hours of school training in modalities ranging from Pre/Post-Natal Massage to Deep Tissue and have specialized in Lymphatic, Clinical, and Condition Specific Massage.

I also have over 175 hours of advanced training in Jin Shin Do Acupressure ( which incorporates a combination of Reichian theory, Eriksonian technique, Qi Gong breath-work and Acupressure meridian theory.”


Tues - Sat 10:00am - 7:00pm

$40 - $100 per hour

Pasadena, California, location - call or email [email protected] for details.


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