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The Niel-Asher Technique ®
Frozen Shoulder Treatment

The Niel-Asher Technique ® is a hands-on therapy that was originally developed as a frozen shoulder treatment, but can also be used to treat other shoulder problems. It was created by Simeon Niel-Asher, a doctor of osteopathy, in 1997.

Dr. Niel-Asher had agreed to treat a friend's mother who was suffering from frozen shoulder. At the time, Dr. Niel-Asher didn't make a habit of treating people with frozen shoulder, because he didn't believe anything could be done for them.

He started treating this new patient by massaging her shoulder. Eventually, he started working with more patients with frozen shoulder. One day, he stumbled upon something. One of his patients was getting better after seeing Dr. Niel-Asher only 3 times. He tried the technique he used on this patient on his other patients, and they improved as well.

The technique uses the manipulation of soft tissue to stimulate neuropathways and speeds the release of the muscles. While the technique does hurt, it's gentle compared to the injections and forced ranges of motion that are normally used to treat the disorder.

A pilot study of the technique was published in the British Journal of Rheumatology in 2003. The study found that the technique significantly improved active ranges of movement, and strength and power. It was more successful than traditional physical therapy treatment.

Depending on what phase of frozen shoulder syndrome you're experiencing, it could take from 5 to 13 session to treat your shoulder.

Some Books You Might Enjoy by Dr. Simeon Niel-Asher

The Concise Book of Trigger Points, Revised Edition

The Concise Book of Trigger Points


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