smooth stones

New York, NY (Woodside) - Legitimate Masseur

Massage Woodside, NY

Massage Woodside, NY

Massage is a necessity for your emotional, spiritual and physical well-being - not a privilege.

Regular massage, along with a healthy diet and exercise, is the best way to experience the highest quality of life. A life in full balance: physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Unfortunately, in today?s fast-paced world, we tend to forget what?s really important in our lives, the foundation of happiness: our health. And that?s where everything begins.

I know firsthand the importance of health. As a massage therapist, in order to take care of my clients and give them the best massage each and every time, I know that I have to take care of myself first. Regular massage helps me to be at my best. It brings my body, mind and spirit back into unison unlike anything else out there.

Massage from a trained Massage Therapist is an unparalleled experience. And it?s beneficial in so many ways. It calms your mind, refreshes your spirit and feels incredible for your body. It?s unbelievable that just an hour massage can be so powerful.

I have received over eighteen hundred hours of massage education. I have given thousands of massage sessions in my life. And I have helped hundreds of people feel and live better?

I truly love what I do.


phone: 646.510.1015

Sessions: 60 min / 90min / 120 min
In call: $70 / $110 / $140
Out call: $110 / $150 / $180

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