smooth stones

New York, NY - Aviva Geismar

Aviva Geismar is an independent massage therapist and movement educator working on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. She integrates a range of treatment approaches including deep tissue massage, therapeutic movement, trigger point work, Swedish massage, postural analysis and orthopedic assessment techniques. She enjoys discovering the most effective approach to enhance the well being of the whole person, taking into consideration anatomical and functional information as well as emotional and psychological considerations. She works with clients handling injury or illness as well as those working to manage stress. Aviva is also a movement educator, professional dancer and certified GYROTONIC and GYROKINESIS instructor. Movement reeducation can be an excellent compliment to massage for people dealing with injury or hoping to increase or maintain their freedom of motion.

Aviva has facilitated a return to health for clients recovering from frozen shoulder, car accidents, disk injuries, stroke, sciatica, scoliosis, trigger point problems, muscle tears, joint sprains, elbow tendinitis, TMJ syndrome, tension headaches and knee injuries. She has also worked with professional dancers, musicians and athletes at all levels of training.

You can reach Aviva at 917 806 7520. [email protected]

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