smooth stones

Myrtle Beach,SC - Michaels Massage

by Michael Champagne
(Myrtle Beach,South Carolina)

Michaels Massage - Myrtle Beach,S.C

My name is Michael Champagne,42 years old. I live in Myrtle beach,S.C ,and I am a Nationally Certified Massage Therapist treating clients in the Myrtle Beach/North Myrtle beach area. I have been practicing as a therapist for 4 years now, and have worked in quite a few mediums within this industry thus far.

I have worked with mobile massage companies working with various beach resorts, as well as working for 3 years in a 5 Star treatment facility where I not only practiced varied forms of massage, but also performed many International body treatments imported from India,Italy,and Thailand.

I attended the South Carolina Massage and Esthetics Institute here in Myrtle beach towards the end of 2007 graduating with a 4.0 GPA.
After graduating I worked with several spas in the area as an on call therapist,along with building clientele via my own advertising.
I soon landed a position at one of the nicest resort spas in the Grand Strand area, treating many spa connoisseurs as well as professional athletes and entertainers.

I truly have a gift for massage therapy,as the majority of my clients can attest, I have been told quite often I am the best therapist they have encountered, and I welcome new clients to see for themselves.

I am highly trained in Deep tissue massage,Swedish massage, Lomi-Lomi massage,Thai ball massage,Sports massage, and body treatments.

Please visit my website in order to contact me via email or phone.
I offer out call services at the moment, but my massage studio should be up and running in January 2012.

My website:
An email link as well as my contact number is on my website.

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