smooth stones


Myopractics is a form of bodywork that is gentle and flowing. It is based in the basic principle that the body is fluid like water and life and your body are constantly moving and flowing.

This therapy is not as invasive as other forms of bodywork. The therapist works with the body to correct areas of tension that block the flow of the body. The central idea of this therapy is Life is motion. When healthy and balanced the entire body pulses, flows and moves. Organs, muscles, blood, and bones are constantly moving and reacting to one another's motions.

The goal of this therapy is to help the body move freely, melting away stress and tension that would otherwise cause pain. The therapist works to analyze the body's function to determine what would need to be done to help the body work to full capacity.

In this therapy the pelvis is considered the foundation of the body. Imbalances in the pelvis shift the entire body throwing it all out of whack. Balancing the pelvis will help to bring balance to the entire body freeing the flow and movement of the body to decrease pain.

This therapy can be used to treat a variety of conditions like:

  • headaches
  • back pain
  • neck pain
  • joint pain
  • muscle pain
  • intestinal problems

Myopractics is based in the same philosophies as Bowen Work. The therapist starts the session by doing a postural assessment. It is believed that where there is a skeletal misalignment that a contracted muscle is the cause. Once that muscle is treated the skeleton will return to proper form.

The therapist works to restore appropriate motion to all areas of the body rather then "put something back into place."







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