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Mosman, NSW - Mosman Chiropractic and Massage

Mosman Chiropractic and Massage

Mosman Chiropractic and Massage

Mosman Chiropractic and Massage

1/737 Military Rd,
Mosman, NSW, 2088
ph: (02) 9968 3113

Mosman Chiropractic and Massage offers a unique blend of best evidence based chiropractic techniques to treat neck and back pain along with the highest quality remedial massage therapy. We believe that muscle knots and spasm can contribute greatly to the degree of pain a patient is experiencing and that treating vetebral misalignment alone will not necessarily solve your problem. For this reason we have incorporated remedial massage techniques into our chiropractic treatments.

Soft tissue inflammation, muscular spasm and restriction can be treated very successfully with therapeutic massage. Our chiropractic clinic offers a free 15 minute warm-up massage as part of every chiropractic consultation so that muscles can be loosened up and relaxed prior to chiropractic adjustment. For some patients suffering from extreme muscular restriction, soft tissue work is essential before any kind of chiropractic manipulation can be attempted.

Often the muscles around a misaligned vertebra or rib will become extremely painful and restricted as our bodies try to reduced the acute pain in a particular area of the neck or back. If the muscles remain in this state they can actually cause further problems in spinal alignment as our body over-compensates in an attempt to relieve pain in one area, causing a flow-on effect that creates more problems in the long run. A quality massage along with chiropractic treatment can reduce joint restriction and restore tissue to a healthier, more supple state.

Our Mosman chiropractic clinic also works in affiliation with Supple Massage to provide extended massage and chiropractic treatments. Patients can book in for a discounted full or half hour remedial massage prior to their chiropractic appointment for a much more relaxing and comprehensive treatment.

All treatments at Mosman Chiropractic and Massage are eligible to be claimed with recognised private health funds if your policy includes chiropractic and massage as extras. We have hicaps facilities at the clinic so you can claim your private health insurance rebate immediately upon payment. Up to five treatments per year at Mosman Chiropractic and Massage can also be claimed through Medicare if your doctor has referred you on an enhanced primary health care plan.

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