smooth stones

Middlesex, NJ - Massageworks

by Debra Wolk
(Middlesex, NJ, USA)

Holiday Gift Certificate Special!
$59.00 for any 1 hour Massage Gift Certificate. Regularly $75.
Purchase as many as you would like.
Limit: 3 discounts for any one Massage Gift Recipient.
Expires: 12/24/09
Please call Massageworks at 732-235-9090 for details.

Massage is one of the nicest things you can do for yourself. Today's world is filled with stress which strongly affects our emotional and physical well-being. One of the healthiest ways of releasing unwanted tension is with a professional massage.

The atmosphere at Massageworks is quiet and serene.
The rooms are softly lit to enhance relaxation. I use soothing music and only the finest oils. For those that like a bit of warmth you have the option of our heated massage table and cozy warm towels.
Talk about never wanting to get up off the table.

Sessions run from a 1/2 hour to 2 hours long. Each massage is designed specifically to your needs. Whether you want to relax, soothe and pamper yourself, or if you suffer from burnout, headaches, sore muscles, depression, anxiety or health conditions such as Fibromyalgia & Arthritis among others.

Owner of Massageworks

Debra Wolk has been a full time Massage Therapist for over 25 yrs and continues her education in the field of Massage on a yearly basis enabling her to bring new and exciting techniques into her practice. Debra is a NJ State Certified Massage Therapist and A.M.T.A member.


MASSAGEWORKS is professionaly located at:
147 Union Avenue (Rt. 28, across from the Getty Station)
Middlesex, NJ 08846.
Easy access from Rt. 287, 22 and Rt. 18.


Tuesday - Friday
9:30 AM through 9:00 PM

9:30 AM through 4:00 PM

Closed Sundays
Occasionally open on Mondays.



Debra Wolk, CMT

Business Number: 732-356-9090

Email Address: [email protected]

Mention Massage Therapy Benefits website to receive $10. off your first 1 hour or longer Massage.

Comments for
Middlesex, NJ - Massageworks

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Apr 02, 2024
Best massage in state
by: David

Debra is definitely the best kept secret in massage therapy. Absolutely the best in the state......I get massages every week for 25 years. Many all over the world. There is none better. Her office is quiet, clean, serene and private. I can't thank her enough for many good years of therapy.

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