smooth stones

Meridian, ID - A Massage Helps

by Tracy Spooner

"Many clients come to enjoy the stress reduction that massage offers, some for the therapeutic benefits of releasing toxins from the body, and others for the overall effect that massage therapy provides."

What makes us unique?

The working philosophy at A Massage Helps is to care for the client's needs through physiological techniques and a caring attitude.

What makes A Massage Helps In Meridian ID,different from others?

Each massage is given with a deep concern for the total well-being of the individual - providing for the emotional, physical and psychological needs of the client. I would say a caring touch. I want to feel one with my clients, and place them on a different plain of existence.

As you walk through the doors, you see ahead of you, a warm glow. You begin to hear the soft sound of slow rhythmic music and it begins to soothe you.

As you enter the room, the smell of aromatic oils subtly enriching the air relaxes you even more.

After talking with the therapist for a few moments, you feel comfort with the sound of a soft voice.

The therapist will step out of the room while you prepare to get comfortable on the table. The massage therapist will step back in the room.

When all questions are ask, the therapist will begin with the gentle touch, and quietly begins. This is your time to get away for all those things in your everyday life.

910 E Franklin Rd 104
Meridian, ID 83642


Mon& Wed : 9AM -2PM
Tue-Thurs- Fri : 10AM -6PM
Sat: 10AM -3PM

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