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Mendham, NJ - healingaia Holistic Wellness

by Julien
(Mendham, NJ)

healingaia Holistic Wellness is a Holistic Healing & Teaching Center offering healing that assists the individual on all levels- physical, emotional, mental and spiritual through:

○ ENERGY MEDICINE- The energetic lines surrounding and flowing into the body are manipulated, restoring balance and a healthy flow of energy to all levels of the body for optimal health and well-being.

○ MIND-BODY MEDICINE- Techniques to recognize & change harmful thought patterns, behaviors & limitation are utilized, restoring health and harmony to the physical, emotional & mental bodies, while also creating clearer connection to Spirit.

○ BODYWORK- The muscles, joints and connective tissue are manipulated, stimulating healthy circulation and supporting the cleansing process. It is also used as an invaluable tool for pain management, injury rehabilitation, stress management and overall well-being.

○ AROMATHERAPY- Essential oils are utilized as stand alone regimens, or in conjunction with other methods to significantly enhance and accelerate the healing process.

○ CLASSES- Techniques to integrate healing, transformation & connection to one's Higher Self are taught, empowering each individual with the tools needed for achieving Holistic Wellness in everyday life. (read less)

Our goal is to assist those suffering from physical and emotional illnesses in uncovering and healing the Root of disease, so that they can move forward in Health, Joy and Abundance. We are passionate about sharing our experiences and guiding others in finding their true Path, Purpose and Service.

Integrative Massage
Aromatherapy Massage
Raindrop Technique
Chakra Balance Massage
Focus Massage

In-Person Healing
Remote Healing
Group Healing
Healing for Pets
Starseed Healing
Cord Cutting
DNA Activation
DNA Reading

Open By Appointment Only & Scheduled Classes
Closed Sunday & Monday
Visit Our Online Store at

13 East Main Street, Mendham, NJ 07945

(732) 927-1116


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