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Massage Therapist Safety
Keeping Yourself Safe During Outcall

Massage therapist safety is important for your career. If you're planning on doing outcall or in-home massage visits you must know how to keep yourself out of harm's way.

Doing in-home massage is a good and profitable segment of massage to get into. If you do only in-home massage you don't have to worry about paying for office space. Because you're going the person's home, you can charge more than massage therapists who only work in their offices.

When you do in-home massage, you're usually going to a stranger's home. It is important that you make every effort to keep yourself safe while working. There have been incidents of therapist being assaulted or attacked in these situations. While this hasn't happened to anyone I know personally, I do know of several cases where this has happened. In one incident, a therapist was beaten with a bat by a client who objected to the price of the massage.

Some therapists deal with issues of massage therapist safety by only doing in-home visits for people they know or were referred to them by other people they know. That's what I'd suggest doing because there are too many weirdos and creeps out their who think massage therapy really means something else.

If you're going to take in-home work from strangers be sure to talk them them in detail on the telephone about what to expect from the massage and price. Find out why they want the massage and pay close attention to what they say. If you feel uncomfortable talking to the person at all trust your gut instinct and don't do the massage. Your safety is worth far more than the money you'll make doing the massage.

Whether the person is a stranger or was referred to you by someone you know there are some steps that you should take to make sure you're safe. When you're going to a new clients home, always tell someone you know and trust where you're going. Leave them with a address and phone number of where you're going. It's a good idea to arrange to check-in with a friend or family member. Call them before you go to the home. Tell them what time the massage should be over and what time to expect a second call from you. When the massage is over, don't forget to call your friend or family member at the prearranged time. If you don't call them after the massage, they'll know that something is wrong.

Don't drink anything at a client's home. If you feel like you'll be thirsty, bring your own bottle of water with you. Drinking or eating at a clients home could give them the opportunity to drug you.

Following these massage therapist safety tips will help you have a long and successful in-home massage therapy career.

If you want to know more about starting a successful massage therapy career this ebook gives some good advice.







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