Massage Table Sheets
Massage Linens
Massage table sheets are important for keeping your clients comfortable. Unless you practice a modality of massage like, lomilomi, where massage linens are not used you'll need sheets to help maintain hygiene and drape your clients. There are several ways you can meet your need for massage sheets.
There are special sheets made especially for massage. These sheets are smaller than normal sheets so they fit the massage table nicely. They come in the flat or the fitted variety. You can find massage linens in a variety of colors and fabrics. You can also buy face cradle covers.
Many people prefer flannel sheets, but you can also buy cotton sheets. Natural fabrics are best to use with your clients to prevent skin irritations. You can buy sheets in many different colors also. In my opinion, you should shy away from colors in case you have clients that are allergic to any fabric dyes. Keeping your massage practice as allergen-free as possible when make it comfortable for all clients.
If you don't want to buy massage table sheets, you can use regular single bed sheets. These work well. You can even buy used sheets from thrift stores to help you save money. Some people prefer to use towels for draping clients instead of sheets. You can fold a pillow case to use as a face cradle cover.
Fleece covers can be used on massage tables beneath the sheets. Table warmers are can also be used to keep you table comfortable for clients during the winter months.
Remember to change your sheets between every client. Wash you massage linens in a separate load of wash than your normal clothes. Always use dye and fragance-free detergents to wash massage linens.