Massage School Directory Rhode IslandThe Massage School Directory Rhode Island page has listed the addresses and phone numbers of schools in the state. Some listings also include website URLs and email addresses. You can use this information to contact schools in the state and obtain more information about the programs they offer. Research any school before applying to attend. You must attend a accredited school in order to get qualifications required to get your license. Since the state is so small, we were unable to find many schools there. You may consider looking at directory pages for surrounding states to find more options. If you know of a school in Rhode Island that isn't mentioned here please let us know by using the contact page on this site. If you want a featured listing for your school use the link below.
The schools are listed alphabetically according to city.
Lincoln Technical Institute
622 George Washington Highway
Arthur Angelo School of Cosmetology and Hair Design
151 Broadway
Community College of Rhode Island
400 East Avenue
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