Massage School Directory Puerto RicoOn the Massage School Directory Puerto Rico we've listed schools in the territory. You can contact these schools to get information about applying. Making sure that you attend a high quality school that is accredited. Your education will help ensure that you get an education that will help you build a success massage career.
The schools are listed alphabetically according to city.
ICPR Junior College
PO Box 190304
PO Box 1108
20 Ave San Patricio
Instituto de Banca Y Comercio
49 Calle Gautier Benitez Ste 1
256 Ave Jose De Diego W
Calle Marginal 4284
Carretera Num. 2 #56
609 Calle Ferrocarril
3 Calle McArthur
Avienda Ponce de Leon 61
Colegio Mayor de Tecnologia
PO Box 1490
World Training Academy
Calle F M-4 Ave. Betances
Columbia Center University
Caguas, PR 00726
Columbia Centro Universitario
PO Box 8517
Huertas Junior College
PO Box 8429
RH Institute for Therapeutic Massage & Healing Arts
Juncos, PR 777
Escuela de Masajes RED
60 Calle Meditacion
Puerto Rico Massage & Bodywork Institute
Rio Grande, PR 745
Antilles School of Technical Careers
Ave.Fernandez Juncos 1851/1905
Escuela de Artes Misticas
1022 Ave Ashford Ste 3
Puerto Rico Massage & Bodywork Institute
2103 Calle Loiza
Soma Physical Fitness Institute
San Juan, PR 00929
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