Massage School Directory OregonOn the Massage School Directory Oregon page you'll find contact information for schools in the state that offer a massage program. If you are interested in becoming a professional therapist you'll need a good education. Research schools completely before planning to attend. A good quality school will answer all of the questions you have about their program before you attend. Before you attend any school do your research. Massage school is expensive. You don't want to spend money on a substandard school. Talk to current and past students to find out what they think of the education there. The schools are listed alphabetically according to city.
Everest College
425 SW Washington Street
9600 SW Oak Street, 4th Floor
Oregon School of Massage
Anthem College
4145 SW Watson Avenue, Suite 300
Sage School of Massage and Healing Arts
369 NE Revere Ave
Ashland Institute of Massage
280 East Hersey Street
East West College
2525 NE Oregon St.
Marinello Schools of Beauty
2540 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Pioneer Pacific College
27375 SW Parkway Avenue
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