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Massage School Directory Oklahoma

The Massage School Directory Oklahoma page is here to help you find the best massage school in the state. The school you attend will lay the foundation you need for your massage career. You'll learn anatomy, massage techniques and much more. The hands-on experience you get in school is even more valuable than the classroom work.

Before you attend any school do your research. Massage school is expensive. You don't want to spend money on a substandard school. Talk to current and past students to find out what they think of the education there.

The schools are listed alphabetically according to city.

Oklahoma Health Academy

Moore Campus
1939 N. Moore Avenue
Moore, OK 73160
Phone: (405) 912-2777

Tulsa Campus
2865 E. Skelly Drive, Suite 224
Tulsa, OK 74105
Phone: (918) 748-9900

ATI Career Training Center

2401 NW 23rd Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73107
Phone: 888-209-8264

Brookline College

9801 Broadway Extension
Oklahoma City, OK 73114
Phone: 405-842-9400
Fax: 405-842-3350

Central State Massage Academy

8494 NW Expressway
Oklahoma City, OK 73162
Phone: 405-722-4560

Heritage College

7100 I-35 Service Rd., Suite 7118
Oklahoma City, OK 73149
Phone: (405) 631-3399

Integrated Massage Therapy College LLC

8101 NW 10th Street Suite A
Oklahoma City, OK 73127
Phone: 405-420-9516 or Toll Free 1-866-447-5184

Praxis College of Health Art and Sciences

8900 N Western Ave
Oklahoma City, OK 73114
Phone: (405) 879-0224

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