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Massage School Directory Mississippi

Look through the Massage School Directory Mississippi to find a school that is right for you. Once you decide which school you are interested in attending be sure to ask plenty of questions. You need to get a good feel for the school before attending to make sure you choose a school that is appropriate for you.

If you know of a massage school in your area that isn't listed in this directory use the contact form to let me know. If you want to get a full page featured listing for your school on this site click the link below.

The schools are listed alphabetically according to city.

Antonelli College

Hattiesburg Campus
1500 North 31st Avenue
Hattiesburg, MS 39401
Phone: 601-583-4100
Fax: 601-583-0839

Jackson Campus
2323 Lakeland Drive
Jackson, MS 39232
Phone: 601-362-9991
Fax: 601-362-2333

Blue Cliff College

12251 Bernard Parkway
Gulfport, MS 39503
Phone: 800-514-0469

Miller-Motte Technical Colleges

12121 Hwy 49
Gulfport, MS 39503
Phone: 888-300-6130 or 228-273-3400

Healing Touch Career College

4700 Hardy Street, Suite H-1
Hattiesburg, MS 39042
Phone: 601-261-0111
Fax: 601-579-9782

Mississippi School of Therapeutic Massage

5140 Galaxie Drive
Jackson, Mississippi 39206
Phone: 601-362-3624

Virginia College

4795 Interstate 55 North
Jackson, MS 39206
Phone: (601) 977-0960

Wellness Therapies Massage School

330 Kerr St
Long Beach, MS 39560
Phone: (228)863-2055

Search the Web

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