Massage School Directory MarylandOn the Massage School Directory Maryland page you'll find a list of massage schools in the state. Schools are listed in alphabetical order by city. Once you find a school your interested in be sure to research it thoroughly to make sure it is right for you. Different schools have different education philosophies that may not be suited to everyone's style of learning. If you know of a massage school in your area that isn't listed in this directory use the contact form to let me know. If you want to get a full page featured listing for your school on this site click the link below.
The schools are listed alphabetically according to city.
The Community College of Baltimore County
7201 Rossville Blvd.
Hunt Valley
College of Southern Maryland
8730 Mitchell Road
22950 Hollywood Road
115 J.W. Williams Road
3261 Old Washington Road
Holistic Massage Training Institute
1 E. University Parkway, #110
Zero Balancing Health Association
8640 Guilford Road, Suite 241
Allegany College of Maryland
Cumberland Campus
AccuTech Career Institute
5310 Spectrum Drive
Central Maryland School of Massage (CMSM)
1890 N. Market Street #201
Baltimore School of Massage
517 Progress Drive, Suite A-L
Everest Institute Silver Spring
8757 Georgia Avenue
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