Massage School Directory IowaSearch the massage school directory Iowa page for great massage schools in the state. Contact information for each school is clearly listed including address, phone number and website. Look for schools that are accredited in the state. If you decide to attend a school it is very important that it is accredited. Schools that aren't accredited won't be able give you the qualifications needed to get a license. If you know of a massage school in your area that isn't listed in this directory use the contact form to let me know. If you want to get a full page featured listing for your school on this site click the link below.
The schools are listed alphabetically according to city.
Capri College
2945 Williams Parkway S.W.
2540 E. 53rd Street
395 Main Street
Carlson College of Massage Therapy
11809 County Rd. X-28
Iowa College of Natural Health
423 S Ankeny Blvd.
Institute of Therapeutic Massage and Wellness.
1730 Wilkes Avenue
Windemere Institute of Healing Arts
2219 Pole Line Road
College of Massage
3601 Douglas Avenue
Iowa Massage Institute, LLC
3017 Indianola Ave., Suite A
The Shiatsu Clinic & School
1025 North Summit Street
East-West School Integrative Healing Arts
1395 Jordan Street
Bio-Chi Institute
1925 Geneva Street
Body-Wisdom Massage Therapy School
8401 Douglas Avenue, Suite 2
Holistic Horizons Institute of Healing Arts
PO Box 522
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