Massage School Directory IllinoisOn the massage school directory Illinois page you'll find complete listings of schools in the area including addresses, phone numbers and websites. If you find a school that you're interested in look around their website to get a feel of the school's teaching philosophy. Whether or not the school has a website it is a good idea to visit the school in person before deciding to attend. You can only get a feel of how a school really is by actually going there and seeing the students, staff and facilities yourself. If you know of a massage school in your area that isn't listed in this directory use the contact form to let me know. If you want to get a full page featured listing for your school on this site click the link below.
The schools are listed alphabetically according to city.
Cortiva Institute - Chicago, Loop Campus
Cortiva Institute - Chicago, Crystal Lake Campus
Cortiva Institute - Chicago, Woodridge Campus
Midwest Institute of Massage Therapy
4715 W Main St
Everest College
6880 N. Frontage Road, Suite 400
The New School for Massage, Bodywork & Healing
800 N. Wells St #300
Pacific College of Oriental Medicine
65 East Wacker Place
. The Soma Institute
55 East Jackson Boulevard, Suite 300
Universial Spa Training Academy
340 Burlington Avenue
National University of Health Sciences
200 E. Roosevelt
European Massage Therapy School
8707 Skokie Blvd., Suite 106
The School of Massage Therapy at SOLEX Medical Academy
350 E Dundee Road Ste 207
Welling and Massage Training Institute
1051 Internationale Parkway
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