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Massage School Directory Hawaii

Use this massage school directory Hawaii page when you're looking for good quality schools on one of the islands. Figuring out which school to attend is an important step in your future as a bodywork professional. Look into each school carefully before making a final decision about which one ot attend. Attending a subpar school could get your new career off to a bad start.

The schools are listed alphabetically according to city.

Hawaii School of Professional Massage

98-199 Kamehameha Highway, Suite B5
Aiea, HI 96701-4820
Phone: (808) 485-2808
[email protected]

The Big Island Academy of Massage/Hilo Massage

211 Kino'ole St (at the corner of Haili)
Hilo, Hawaii 96720
Phone: (808) 969-7676 or (808) 936-5255
[email protected]

Ho'ola O Lomi Lomi Lapa'au Clinic & School

PO Box 6202
Hilo, HI 96720
Phone: (808) 961-3118

Hawaii Massage Academy

1750 Kalakaua Avenue, Suite 3004
Honolulu, HI 96826-3750
Phone: (808) 955-4555
Fax: (808) 955-9705
[email protected]

Remington College - Honolulu

1111 Bishop Street #400
Honolulu, HI 96813
Phone: 808) 772-5978

Kapiolani Community College

Kauila Building, Room 124C
4303 Diamond Head Road
Honolulu, HI 96816-4421
Phone: 808.734.9540
Fax: 808.734.9126 (Attn: Martin Chong)
Email: [email protected]

Hawaii Healing Arts College

Kailua Medical Arts Building
407 Uluniu St. Suite 204
Kailua, HI 96734
(877) 881-8884 Toll Free
Administration: [email protected]
Student Affairs: [email protected]

Maui Academy of the Healing Arts - Maui, Hawaii Massage Therapy School

310 Ohukai Rd., Suite #318
Kihei, HI 96753
Phone: 808-879-4266

Spa Luna Holistic School

1000 Holopuni Road
Kula, HI 96790
Telephone: 808-575-2440
[email protected]

Maui School of Therapeutic Massage

1043 Makawao Ave, Ste. 207
Makawao, HI 96768
Phone: 1-808-572-2277
Email: [email protected]

Aloha School of Massage Therapy

355 Hukilike Street, Suite 203
Kahului, Maui, Hawaii 96732
[email protected]
Phone: 808-871-9966

Brandon Raynor’s School of Natural Therapies

84 - 760 Upena St
Waianae, HI 96792

West Oahu Wellness and Massage Education Center

94-615 Kupuohi St, Suite #212
Waipahu, HI 96797
Phone: 808-393-1404

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