Massage School Directory GeorgiaOn the massage school directory Georgia page you'll find a list of top massage schools in the state. When you're looking for a massage school to attend do a lot of research. Some schools are better than others and you want to go to the school that will give you the best training possible. Talk to massage therapists in your area to find out where they attended school. Talk to students at the school you're looking to attend to find out what they think of it.
The schools are listed alphabetically according to city.
Everest College
Everest College - Atlanta West
Everest Institute - Decatur
Everest Institute - Jonesboro
Everest Institute - Marietta
Everest Institute - Norcross
Athens Massage School
485 Huntington Rd
Atlanta School of Massage
2 Dunwoody Park South
Herzing University Atlanta
3393 Peachtree Road, NE
International School of Skin and Nailcare (ISSN)
The Prado Shopping Center
Georgia Career Institute
Hunting Creek Plaza
1820 GA Hwy 20, Suite 208
Augusta School of Massage
608 Ponder Place Dr
ASHA School of Massage
6251 Smithpointe Drive
Georgia Massage School
415 Horizon Drive #275
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