smooth stones

Massage School Directory Washington DC

This massage school directory will help you find a school in Washington DC. This page also contains listings in Virginia that are considered part of the DC Metro area. For more schools in Virginia go to the corresponding page in this directory.

Once you have found a school you're interested in be sure to research it thoroughly. You must attend an accredited school in order to get a license to legally practice in the DC area. DC requires that all therapists take 500 credit hours in school and pass the NCETMB exam.

The schools are listed alphabetically according to city. If you don't find the school you're looking for here use our search box at the bottom of the page to search the internet.

Washington DC

Northwest School of Animal Massage

71 Oglethorpe Street, NW
Washington D.C.
Phone: (877) 836-3703

Potomac Massage Training Institute

5028 Wisconsin Ave NW
Washington D.C., DC 20016
Phone Number: (202) 686-7046
Fax Number: (202) 966-4579


National Massage Therapy Institute

National Massage Therapy Institute
‎ 803 West Broad Street
Falls Church, VA 22046
Phone: (703) 237-3905

Northern Virginia School of Therapeutic Massage (NVSTM)

200 Little Falls St, Suite 303
Falls Church, VA 22046
Phone: 703.888.9782
Fax: 703.533.3112

AVI Career Training

10130 Colvin Run Road.
Suites A and B
Great Falls, VA 22066
[email protected]
Phone: 703-759-2200

Ask Massage School, Inc.

462 Herndon Pkwy Ste 208
Herndon, VA 20170
Phone: (703) 464-9352

Search the Web

Still haven't found a school in your area? Use this search box to find a school near you online.







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