Massage School Directory ArkansasFind a school in this massage school directory Arkansas. When preparing to practice massage in any state you must make sure that you study in an accredited school that meets the requirements of the area you plan to work in. A good school will give you all the information you need to pass your state required licensing test. It will also give you additional training about how to organize your practice and how to run your own business. Many massage therapists are self-employed and need information to help them run a business successfully. The schools are listed alphabetically according to city. If you don't find the school you're looking for here use our search box at the bottom of the page to search the internet.
Blue Cliff College
3448 North College Avenue
Northwest Arkansas School of Massage
PO Box 8626
Fort Smith School of Massage
6108 South 31st Street
Exceptional Massage Institute
200 Spring St.
Body Wellness Therapeutic Massage Academy
11323 Arcade Dr. Suite D
Heritage College
1309 Old Forge Dr.
Touching America School of Massage
1501 Club Manor Ste. 3
Massage Works Clinic and School of Massage
201 W. Jefferson St. Suite A
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