Massage School Directory ArizonaUse this massage school directory Arizona to find accredited schools in your area. When you want to learn massage it is important that you study at a state accredited school. If the school that you attend isn't accredited you won't be able to practice in your state legally once you graduate. Research any school before you attend to make sure they provide you with the required education you need to practice massage.
The schools are listed alphabetically according to city. If you don't find the school you're looking for here use our search box at the bottom of the page to search the internet.
ASIS Massage School
701 South Broadway
115 S McCormick St.
113 W. Phoenix Ave.
3301 N. Mulford Rd.
19351 W. Washington St.
Arizona College of Allied Health
4425 W Olive Ave # 300
The Bryman School Phoenix
2250 W. Peoria Ave.
Sedona Massage Therapy Clinic
2120 W. State Route 89A
Sedona School of Massage
75 Bell Rock Plaza
Cortiva Institute
8010 E. McDowell Rd.
Arizona School of Massage Therapy
1409 W. Southern Ave., Suite 6
Southwest Institute of Healing Arts
1100 E. Apache Blvd
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