Massage School Directory AlaskaUse this massage school directory Alaska to find places to learn massage in Alaska. Alaska is a sparsely populated state with only a few massage schools. If there is no school in your city you'll have to travel a distance to find a school that will give you the knowledge you need to become a therapist. Below are a few schools. If you know of any other schools in Alaska that aren't listed here please contact me and let me know.
The schools are listed alphabetically according to city. If you don't find the school you're looking for here use our search box at the bottom of the page to search the internet.
CB Healing Institute
Massage Therapy Program
Career Academy
1415 E. Tudor Road
Oriental Healing Arts Center
2636 Spenard Road
University of Alaska
3211 Providence Drive
Kindred Spirits School of Massage
3175 College Road
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