Massage Questions You've Always Wanted to Know But Were Afraid to Ask
Do you have massage questions that keep you from making your first massage appointment? Don't let your fear of new experiences keep you from getting a massage. Massage therapy has too many benefits to let that happen. I'm going to try to answer all the massage questions that you've wondered about but are too afraid or embarrassed to ask. Will the massage therapist judge me because my body isn't perfect? Some people seem to think that they're too fat or too skinny or too ugly to get a massage. As someone who has worked as a massage therapist, I can tell you that when I was giving a massage I wasn't thinking about that. Massage therapists work on many different kinds of people, and when they give massages, they are concentrating on giving the best, most appropriate massage. They aren't bothered by what you look like, so don't worry about it and don't let that stop you from getting a massage. Should I undress completely for my massage? I mentioned this dilemma on my Your First Massage page. You should undress to your level of comfort. Some people keep their underwear on and some take it off. No matter what you do you'll be covered by the drape provided. If you're uncomfortable removing your clothes consider getting a shiatsu or Thai massage treatment. Should I talk to the therapist during the massage? You should do what you're most comfortable doing. Some people like to talk and some just want to relax quietly or even sleep. Your therapist won't think you're rude if you're quiet during the massage. What should I do if the pressure is too light or too deep? You need to communicate with your therapist about how you feel during the massage. If you're in pain and the therapist is working too deep, it's important to say something. If the massage is too light, you also need to tell your therapist, but keep in mind that if you asked for a relaxation massage, which is often less money than a therapeutic massage, the pressure won't be deep. If you want deep pressure you need to get a therapeutic massage. I feel a little sick. Should I cancel my massage? The short answer is yes. If you feel like you're coming down with a cold reschedule your massage. Massage could actually make you sicker, especially if you have a fever. Can I ask for a female therapist? Many people don't feel comfortable seeing a male massage therapist. Men especially feel this way. You can ask for a female therapist if you want. I know a lot of male massage therapists who are very good. I think that you should try to find the best therapist regardless of gender. Should I tip my therapist? It's customary to give a tip of 15 to 20%. If you thought the massage was good, tip accordingly. If you get a massage in a spa, the massage therapist working there often only makes an hourly wage this isn't necessarily very good. It depends on the place really. Massage is physically hard work and I think that in spas especially, you should tip the therapist. Some spas have an envelop system where you put the tip in an envelop and give it to someone at the front desk. In that case say something to your therapist about wanting to tip them, so they know. I know of some spas that have this system that don't ever give the therapists their tips. If you're getting a massage from a small massage clinic and you know that the therapist owns the business tipping isn't as important. Are there any medical conditions that will prevent me from getting a massage? There are some conditions that massage are contraindicated for these include:
If you have a chronic medical condition mention it on the phone when you make your appointment. Some conditions like high blood pressure may require you to get your doctor's permission for the massage. I hope this page answered all your massage questions. Now that all your massage questions are answered you're ready to book your first massage appointment.
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