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Massage Chair Reviews
Finding the Best Massage Chairs

These massage chair reviews will help you find the best massage chairs. Let's take a look at the good and bad qualities of a massage chair to help you find the chair that is right for you.

While it's ideal to get your massages from a licensed massage therapist, many people like to have massage chairs in their homes. These chairs can relax tense muscles and calm nerves. I have to admit that I enjoy the time I spend in a massage chair just as much as the next person.

Massage chairs are quite expensive so when you purchase one you want to make sure you're getting one that will last a long time and gives you the best massage that robotic arms can give. Read plenty of massage chair reviews and try out some chairs before making that purchase.

Always give a chair a test run before you buy. These chairs are designed for people who are about 5'10". If you're taller or shorter than that the massage might be uncomfortable for you.

Consider where you will put it. Massage chairs don't necessarily look great in the front room. They're big and bulky and in my opinion rather unattractive. Before you purchase a chair make sure you're in agreement with the other people in the house about where to put it.

Check the warranty. Massage chairs are equipped with various moving parts and internal computers that control the massage routine. Something can go wrong with any one of these features. Make sure your chair has a good warranty that will cover you if your chair breaks.

Now that you know what to consider, here are some massage chair reviews to get you started.

Panasonic Urban Massage Lounger with Chiro Mode

This massage chair is endorsed by the American Chiropractic Association. This is an excellent quality massage chair. It's my favorite. It has 10 different massage strokes that it uses: kneading, rolling, tapping, Swedish, shiatsu, compression, Hawaiian, and percussion. It gives the greatest coverage massage coverage of other chair in its price range, 135 square inches. The chair is power reclined and the ottoman moves up and down. You can also adjust the massage according to your height. Click here for more about the Panasonic EP1285TL Urban Massage Lounger with Chiro Mode, Brown.

iJoy-2580 Massage Chair by Human Touch

If you're looking for something a little cheaper try this is attractive, understated massage chair. It has 3 different pre-programmed massage sessions that last 15 minutes each. It uses 4 classic massage strokes: rolling, kneading, compression and percussion. You can adjust the pressure of the strokes to suit you. The chair is a bit short. While that doesn't affect me it is a draw back for all of you taller folks out there because it won't be able to massage you neck or maybe even your very upper back. It is a great option for shorties like me though. It comes with a 1 year limited warranty. It starts at around $799. Here's a link to the iJoy 130.

I hope these massage chair reviews help you. Find more massage chairs here.


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